Monday, July 14, 2008

sick of being sick

So i've been sick basically since May.  yes it has been on and off, but it is basically the same thing again and again.  

first i got bronchitis--so antibiotics, resting, missing a week and a half of school.  then ear ache/throat thing--call doctor and he is booked so sends me in a prescription.  then again ear/throat ear hurt so bad that i was almost in tears my whole birthday dinner--go into doctor he says i have a throat infection and gives me a stronger prescription to get rid of this thing for good.  i take the last pill for my prescription...the next day my ear starts to hurt again.  for a week my ear is hurting and bugging me so i just take advil religiously and it seems to be okay.  finally last wednesday i get full on sick...AGAIN! i mean full on sick--sneezing, congestion, soar throat, achey all over, ear hurts, and so on.  so i go back to the doctor (yet this time its another guy because my doctor's wife just had a baby--yay for them!)  so this dude tells me i have some sinus problems.  puts me on antibiotics, flownase (nasal spray), over the counter sudafed, over the counter noise spray.  he tells me that if i'm not 100% in two weeks then i need to go get a cat scan because i have some serious sinus issues.  

so i'm hoping and praying that i can beat this thing and beat it quick.  ---i'm sick of being sick!



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