Friday, December 19, 2008

christmas #1

so today i had my first official christmas of 2008!  my Nana and Papa came up for dinner.  since they are going to organ to be with my "cousins" for christmas, we had our christmas with them tonight.  they got here around 4:30, but i worked until 6:00--so when i got home i had to quickly make a transformation from girl with a vest to girl in a dress.  

before we left for din din we had present time.  josh got some awesome swim trunks.  reenie got a cashmere sweater and a disneyland pass.  and i got a totally classy christmas, i.e. a cashmere sweater and pearl earrings.  heck yes my friends.  i am going to be a super classy lady!

then we went to dinner at Mastro's (the most amazing freaking steak i've ever had in my ENTIRE life--and that says a lot because i grew up around steak.  my dad was the GM for the chart house for 12 years and at 6 years old my favorite food was prime rib. so when it comes to steak, i don't mess around. )  it was the real deal.  

funny conversations, good food, and lots of wedding questions...a good night!

(lots of funny new stories to tell!)


Thursday, December 18, 2008


so excited!  school is done.  i can't worry about it or stress about it because it is all in the past.  

I'm really proud of myself I didn't get stressed this entire semester until the last 3 hours.  Two hours before my last final I realized that I didn't understand one section of the material which would be covered on my final and no one's explanation made sense to me, so i stressed.  Luckily I figured it our and I made it.  finals are over.  this semester is over.  i'm so excited to just get to focus on the wedding and getting excited to be a wife!

praise the lord for seeing me through

Monday, December 15, 2008

every kiss begins with kay

okay if you haven't seen one of the 4 cheesy kay jewelers are really missing out.

soooo dorky!  every time one is on i just am shocked that they can't do better.  their commercials are always on and so you know they have the money for advertising, but they don't want to use them for making good commercials-they just use them to put them on constantly.  

you've got to check it out if you haven't seen it.  my favorite is the one when they guy is like do you remember this place, do you remember this place and finally the girl says i don't remember this place and he will!   cheese ball...then he proposes...interesting stuff

don't forget..."that every kiss begins with kay!"

count downs

25 days to go!

so for some reason the only question i get asked recently is..."what's the countdown?"

so i'm always guessing, but today i know...25 days  (which also means that it is 10 days until Christmas!)

good times to come


i should be studying for finals, but i have wedding things to do!!!

so i'm doing wedding things.  this is soo very bad.

school just needs to be done!

and when someone asks for all responses to be returned by the 15th of December---35% of them shouldn't still be missing

the end is near

i see it off in the distance...the distance of Wednesday evening.  

a million assignments, papers, assigned reading, and projects down.
two tests to go (plus one reflection paper, but its so itsy bitsy that it doesn't really count).

this has been one of the most insane semesters of my life.  i've never not been so concerned with getting good grades, but its been really good.  i've had so many other things going on in my life that if i had cared so much it would have made me crazy and totally unhealthy (before you say that i'm crazy  now-just picture me with the stress of being a perfectionist in school on top of that...i'm way less crazy).  

now that the end is near, i'm getting really excited.  soon to married to the love of my life, my best friend.  so basically my life rocks!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

injured, injured bad

i woke up this morning to mom, "Kaitlin, I have some bad news"

i immediately thought someone had died--why else would my mom be waking me up at 6:00 in the morning?

she continued to say your car got hit last night.  the second she said that i woke right up.  she went on to say that it was a hit and run and that Reenie was leaving for school this morning and saw the remnants of the crash.  

some moron hit my parked car at like 4:20 in the morning.  they hit my car so hard that my car hit into my sister's car which was parked behind me and shattered her toll road transponder.  

so we waited for the cops to come and do a report.  the cop was supper nice and really funny.  he really helped lighten the mood and he really thinks there is a good chance that we will find the guy (which i hope is true! because I don't have the money to pay my deductible to get it fixed and there has got to be a couple thousand dollars worth of damage)  so we will see!

my car is pretty beat up.  the front bummer is smashed, my left headlight is smashed.  the frame around my left front tire is smashed into the tire.  there is liquid from my engine dripping (i.e. engine damage--yikes!) and it is just a wreck!

it is really a good thing this didn't happen like a year ago because i would be a wreck.  i LOVE my car and back then i loved it probably a bit too much and i would have been devastated.  my mom and josh are both shocked that i'm so calm right now--but maybe i'm still in shock?  who knows?

so the first thing i thought of when i went out there baby is injured, injured bad (from that hospital commercial)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


wii (we) got a wii!

josh and i got a wii for a shower gift yesterday!  WAHOOO!

so clean!

lots of showers!!

i had two wedding showers this weekend, both given by my church homes!  it was really fun to get to celebrate my upcoming wedding with my church family.

yesterday PCI threw me a beautiful shower.  it was really fun for me to get to introduce my mom to the people who are important to me and my ministry.  it was really nice to spend some good girl time! 

today Foothills threw me a shower.  it was really fun to go to church there today and get to see everyone again.  it had been so long since i'd been there.  it was really nice to be there and to get to celebrate with the ladies.  

I love the body of Christ.  it is so encouraging to see how they come around you and support you.  

it was really a fun weekend! plus we got some great things for our new place!  
very fun!

Friday, December 5, 2008

tree for me

all week I've been looking forward to tonight!

tonight we got our christmas tree and decorated!  it was so much and we got a beautiful, big, bodacious tree.  it was so fun to decorate and have fun with the family!

YAy for christmas and christmas trees!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy December!

I'm so excited that it is finally december!  which means christmas time!!!

We are getting our tree this Thursday and I can't wait!  


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