Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this thing we simply call christianity...my little reminders

so as i'm killing myself trying to study for my theology test...there were a few quotes i wanted to share with you all ...some quotes/thruths that really hit me/spoke to me/made me say "sooo true!"

soo, here we go...

*Jesus is eternal life
*the Goal of salvation is NOT eternal life
*Salvation is a work of God for man rather than a work of man for God.
*faith is supposed to be a JOYOUS thing--it is a feeling
*we are all spiritual virgins -->by justification
*there is faith that is less than saving faith-->i.e. like that of the demons
*God doesn't play it safe!
*A safe God is someone I have domesticated=boring!!

and my favorite...Salvation isn't about being safe

Friday, September 26, 2008


i've been naked lately!  but it all ended yesterday.

I didn't have my ring (my bling ring) because the jeweler had to fix it for me.  So since sunday I was naked.  I freaked out a million times thinking that I had lost it, but my baby is home again.  Right where it belongs on my finger!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

hip hip horray!

she farted

Praying for a fart!

My aunt had surgery on her intestines last Thursday.  She had a blockage because of a car accident she was in when she was in elementary school.  When her body produces scare tissue, too much is made and this caused a blockage across her intestines so that nothing could come out.  This is not the first time this has happened to her unfortunately.  It can be life threatening.

Luckily, the surgery went well and she is out of harms way.  She has been in the hospital since then.  They just introduced food to her again to see if everything is working properly.  

Last night when I got home my mom was like "we need to pray for a fart."  (once she farts they will be able to release her.)

i thought this was hilarious!  so i thought i'd share...

...so pray for a fart!


Something I've always loved is people running!  It just makes me really happy.  Especially when someone is fully dressed in normal clothes with their backpack or purse, but mostly with the backpack.  

We do have a few runners at our school which really makes me happy!  It really just makes my day to see a funny runner.  

thats all!

Pog Blog

Do you remember pogs?  Kindergarten and first grade right?  

Well my pogs were lost when we moved from Palm Springs back to San Diego the summer going into second grade-or so I thought!  For the past 15 years my mom has always told us this story about our move.  My dad was transfered to the La Jolla Chart House from the one in Palm Springs, so we moved back to San Diego.  Unfortunately our house still had another family living in it so we had to move in with my grandparents for a couple of months until our house was vacant again.  Since we could not bring all of our things to my grandparents house, most of our belongings were in storage out in the desert.  The day we went to move back into our house, my dad went out to the desert to make sure the movers got all of our belongings in the truck so that they could move us into our home.  (this is where my mom's story comes in!)  So for the past 15 years my mom has been mad at my dad because all of the boxes didn't make it to our house.  My dad left before the movers had finished loading up the truck because he was going golfing.  So my mom blamed my dad because our pogs never made it home.  I was devastated!  The pog fad had not yet passed and here I was in a new school without pogs! (totally horrible right?)

So this is a story that has been told several times over the years (josh can vouch for that one).  

This past weekend my parents were cleaning out the garage.  My mom comes running into my room holding my pogs!!  (Whaaaaaat!)  Yes, she found the box!  we had since then moved it with us from San Diego to our house here in Rancho 13 years ago.  My mom had never opened the box because it was labeled "Kids Crafts" and she didn't think that our pogs would be there.

So needless to say, I was very excited to get my pogs back!  Although I do remember having more (in a bigger pog sleeve thingy), so maybe one of the boxes is still missing!!!  

My mom apologized to my dad and all is restored!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

cats are easily embarrassed

so this morning i wake up and my cat, Maddy, is scratching at the back door. so i let her in and go back into my room to grab my homework. when i walked out of my room i saw my cat licking my dog's leg (Rusty).  it was soo cute!  normally the two of them fight or play roughly together.  Rusty is always fascinated by Maddy, but Maddy is never interested.  Probably once every other week Rusty has a scratch on his face because he got too close to little miss Maddy.  

so it was hilarious to witness this interaction.  yet as soon as Maddy saw me, see got embarrassed and walked away.  

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"life is a run-away train you can't wait to jump on"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

friends!! i love us!

Rock Band for the Meggers and Jamers

sarah and i play

ROOOOCK IT!...i love their faces --filled with concentration

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

getting back in the swing of things

Summer, oh how i love summer!  But one of the worst things of all time is the end of summer.  I just have the hardest time adjusting to school again.  Summer is too long for an easy transition into school.  

I'm trying to write papers and that sort of thing (that darn homework thing!) and i keep making so many typos and then I realized that its like i can't really spell anymore (well not that I've ever been good at it, but this is worse than usual).  I am hoping that once i get back in the swing of things that it will just come back to me!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Busy Busy MEE!

My life has just been a whirlwind lately!  I never really know what is going on and I'm constantly running from one thing to the next--yikes.

So recap of my craziness:
*youth stuff (planning the people hunt and seeing it through and helping Josh with message stuff and debriefing his crazy days of construction and relationships and drama!)
*working a TON! (trying to get the gym in shape for september and reorganize rolls and stuff which got waayy messed up this summer. But making some mula which is always a plus)
*school started (i'm taking 15 units and all but one of my classes are really hard and they all have a ton of homework)
*planning the wedding (which is going okay...but there is just so much more that needs to get done, but the thing is i need to find a time when josh can do somethings with me because they require his approval.  BUT good news i'm going to my first fitting next saturday--yaay i loooove my dress)
*ohh and i need to do my chapel make ups which are due on Tuesday--BAH!!

--so basically i never sleep and my brain is constantly running through something.  this is going to be a crazzzy semester!  i think i might start to loose it at some point, but once it is over i get to marry the man of my dreams---sooo it is all worth it!


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