Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this thing we simply call christianity...my little reminders

so as i'm killing myself trying to study for my theology test...there were a few quotes i wanted to share with you all ...some quotes/thruths that really hit me/spoke to me/made me say "sooo true!"

soo, here we go...

*Jesus is eternal life
*the Goal of salvation is NOT eternal life
*Salvation is a work of God for man rather than a work of man for God.
*faith is supposed to be a JOYOUS thing--it is a feeling
*we are all spiritual virgins -->by justification
*there is faith that is less than saving faith-->i.e. like that of the demons
*God doesn't play it safe!
*A safe God is someone I have domesticated=boring!!

and my favorite...Salvation isn't about being safe



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