Monday, March 30, 2009

the horrible gnat

so after dinner, josh and i decided to go on a walk around the RSM lake.  It was dusk and the gnats where out.  i was constantly shewing them away and they were continually hitting me in the face.  josh and i were commenting on how annoying it was when i inhaled and sucked a gnat in to the back of my throat.  It felt like someone threw an m&m straight to the back of my throat.  i started coughing and eventually chocking.  I hate it when you keep coughing and coughing and you know that you are about to throw up, but you try to keep it from happening.   i was there.  i could feel the little gnats body stuck on my dry throat and as i continued to cough and cough, eventually it came, and i threw up all over the grass 

so the moral of the story: watch out for gnats with a death wish who want to make you throw up

Sunday, March 29, 2009

here comes the in the distance...far away

i can't wait for a little break.  i see it coming week.  next week, work is closed and so i just have to go to class and THEN the next week is spring break and that means lake tahoe!  

but in the mean time, i'll be running with my head cut off. 
-studying for my test
-finishing my report/starting it...
-reading a million chapters of pride and prejudice
-writing a lesson plan
-observation hours
-teaching the lesson i plan...while my teacher is observing (nerve-racking!) 
-doing a lot of reading for history and development
-a bunch of pointless literature assignments that are added at the last second
-bonfiring at CDM with the high schoolers and jr. highers
-working (Mon., Wed., Fri.)
-being a wife (A GOOD ONE!)
-trying to have friends

soon it will be my favorite!  EASTER

so here's to the distant future of happy break time

Sunday, March 8, 2009

my man loves me.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


sometimes i just feel ugly.

i tend to not buy into the whole image deal shmeal.  but still at times it gets to me.

whenever i go to school and i don't do my hair or make up (which is 99.9% of the time) i look at the other girls who did their hair and their make up and wear cute clothes and it makes me feel like crap.  why do they have to care so much and why don't i?  
i struggle with this from time to time and it makes me mad.  

i'm a pretty self confident girl--why do i let satan get to me and make me feel bad.  so what if i don't look good.  why are we all trying to sell our looks?  why do we buy into the magazine's lies?

so here's the deal...i may feel bad, but i got me a hubby how loves me AND the way i look

AND i got an extra hour of sleep!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


lately i've been going 110 mph and never stopping.  i've been jumping from work to school to youth group to work to school to work and so on NON STOP!

i feel so overwhelmed ALL the time.  

i miss having the peace and relaxation of not having anything to do.  i can't wait for the quietness of life to settle in ... will it?

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