Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Return

My dearest friend and homeschooler Dustin returned to California, where he belongs!  

It was so much fun to hang out with Dustin all day today.  He has been in Italy all semester and now he is back (well until Wednesday-in California that is).  

We got to catch up and hear all of his fun stories from his trip.  It was really good to get to hang and be together.

Since Dustin is an art student (from Italy) we decided to do a photo shoot with his newish (new to me) camera.  So Reenie and I got all did up (if you could call it that) and Josh, Dustin, Reenie, and I headed to the hills for some sweet photo action.  It was really fun and I totally felt like I was going "to be on top."  Except for the whole I don't know how to model thing but these are just minor details, right?  But needless to say it was fun!

Then we returned for a good home cooked meal, jacuzzi, homework/Dustin edited, and DH.

All and all it was really good to have my boy Duuuuusty back!

Welcome Homeschool Dustin!

the new and improved way to date!

So fun!  A week ago Josh and I had things to do on our own so we went our separate ways.  We both ended up on the computer and we were both totally distracted.  I kept facebooking (which I never really do) and Josh was on so we started chatting in that chat thing/aim thingy.  This continued for awhile as we continued to "get things done" while periodically chatting.  Yet suddenly Josh remembered iChat.  So that's what we did!  It was so much fun.  We had a good time with it and I have a few proofs from the evening I thought I'd share!

This is Josh showing me the mirror...i.e. thats why there are two of me

This is Josh's CD cover for his upcoming album

we definitely had fun changing our effects

So next time you want a free date, thank Mac for iChat!

Reunited and it feels so good!

I love rediscovering something you once loved!

For me this break it was Rock Band.  I forgot how I loved to play and how I spent hours upon hours playing with my friends and family and how that really was so much fun.  From Thursday to Saturday, I played 4 times.  

It was so much fuN!

Yay Rock Band!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i feel sick to my stomach.  i'm uneasy.  i want to control these things.  i want to just be happy and like it all.

but i can't

Sunday, November 23, 2008


my phone has died!  i've been so frustrated with it lately that it is probably mad at me for not loving it.  

so if you know how to fix an iPhone when it just dies let me know!

i never realized how many things i use my phone for.  it has so much on it that I use it constantly!


so today i opened up my iTunes because i wanted to buy a song and as it opened Josh and I started cracking up.  This is what appeared!
Now 24!  Dang I am such a dork.  But the good thing is i did NOT buy that CD personally, I just put it on my computer.  plus it is from a long time ago.  

but needless to say,

it cracks me up!

(thought i'd share)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yay for my girl Sarah!

tonight was sooo darn good!  i love it when God has bigger plans than I do for my life.  

Let me just start off by saying that God is just soo good and sooo very amazing!  I love HIM!

So tonight as I was driving home from work (or i guess technically over to josh's house) I decided to call up my girl sarah.  It was just so good to talk to her and be there for her and have her be there for me.  I was just so encouraged by her.  She is such a godly woman who just brings people joy even in the midst of the difficulties that life throws her way.  She is such an encouragement to me.  We talked about the hard stuff and we were both encouraged.  God spoke to us tonight through each other and it was just so rad (look at me talking/writing like her...i do that when i'm around her...i pick up her lingo).  I was just reminded that God has a plan for EVERYTHING in our lives.  

Although we talked about so many amazing things, there is just one thing that I want to share with yall.  We were talking and i realized that God has a plan for our friendship and it just blew my mind.  of course this is something that i "know," but to actually realize it and get a glimpse of it tonight was just so exciting.  I was telling Sarah that it is so easy for me to get comfortable with God and just know that he is a big God with big love.  It is just so easy to have that be meaningless truths in my life and it is moments when I realize the way God uses my friendships with people (specifically I realized this tonight about sarah) that I see God's love and his bigness before my eyes.  My friendship with this amazing girl blows my mind.  God wants me to have her in my life and we love each other and we love God and it is just the most exciting thing for me to experience that and realize that I have the most amazing friends! We can be there for each other in EVERYTHING and we can point each other to God and we can support each other in all things and it is just so unique.  

I'm just really thrilled that God loves me so much that I now have Sarah!  When I think about how we were put together, I just see God at work.  There is no possible way that you could look at that situation and not see God's hand.  It is just so cool.  The way our friendship is just proves to me that God is real and he is involved in the details in my life.  

I love moments when God smacks me upside the head and says check out what I'm doing for you my little girl, I love you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

buzz butt

so yesterday morning Josh and I were driving up to Biola.  As we were getting off of the freeway my butt started to go crazy.  My left cheek kept twitching...really intensely and in a pattern.  I thought it was so strange, but I went with it.  So after this had been going on for like 15 minutes, I started to worry.  So i put my hand down on the chair next to my butt just to find Josh's phone.  His phone that vibrates every time you touch it.  Immediately I started cracking up.  It was so funny.  I thought something was wrong with my butt, but in reality I was just hitting the phone on accident. 

Monday, November 17, 2008


so this weekend was completely exhausting!  we had the all nighter and i was up and good on energy until 6am...then i CRASHED!  I got so tired.  so i got home around 9am on Sunday morning and slept until 4pm.  So i was still tired and i had to write a paper last night.  so i got past the point of being tired, so then I couldn't fall asleep until really really late and so i am officially exhausted!


Thursday, November 13, 2008


YAY!  today josh and i got to go look at our condo!  I am just so excited to start my life with him!  I am going to come home everyday to the man of my dreams!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


so a pet peve of mine is that everyone always forgets about thanksgiving.  what the heck?  the second halloween is over everyone puts up christmas lights.  now don't get me wrong i love christmas lights, but PLEASE let us first enjoy thanksgiving!!

at least 3 of my neighbors already have their lights up and trust me, they did not put them up themselves.  where is the joy in christmas lights when they are a month early and you don't put them up yourself.  


what do you live for?


Reenie and i can't roll our eyes.

*Reenie just blinks
*I just look up and down

I don't get why my mom would always say, "Don't roll your eyes at me" when we where younger.  I don't think that is a talent you can loose. So she must have been lying!  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

what if?

so today i googled my husband to be and i learned something new about him.  

he is a star football player at Mary Hardin-Baylor.  and although i've never heard of this school, i found headlines saying he is the hero for Mary Hardin-Baylor and I couldn't be more proud.  

Look at my baby go!

HAHA what if?!

Monday, November 3, 2008


i'm excited to vote.  

today i researched all of the props and i'm ready to hit up the polls!


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