Tuesday, September 29, 2009

mark's wisdom

From Mark Dodd's blog...AWESOME!

"This is the way we ought to deal with sin. We should hate it. We should not tolerate it because it is death, and we don’t want death in the lives of our friends. We must call people out of it because of our compassion for them, and our fervent hate for sin.

It is my prayer that we would rebuke and disown the work of Satan, which is death, and call one another into the true life by the faith and authority given to us by the grace of God."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

why am i doing this?

i'm so frustrated with myself right now.

why do i care so much about things that distract me from focusing on my priorities.

i've put off my homework until the last minute and i'm feeling the heaviness of that right now...and it is making me not want to do anything....


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

what i need

craziness. my life has be one crazy whirlwind lately.

i've been struggling to find balance and i've been struggling to prioritize.
but God is so good and he is so faithful.

i am so fortunate to be married to such a wise Godly man who points me to God first and foremost. once i turned to God and gave him priority, i was able to feel peace. God is the only one who can give me what i need.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Because getting drunk inside is so last year!

Facebook PLEASE!

Friday, September 11, 2009


I've been learning so much about prayer lately.

1) That it is totally underrated.
-we think that we should pray before we eat...(dinner and not other meals?.. and not in a restaurant) and when something really bad is happening
2) We don't use it properly
-we are told to pray without ceasing...can we honestly say we are even close to doing this?
3) We don't believe in the power of prayer
-we don't expect God to do what we ask

So here's my conclusion on this mess we have decided to call our prayers. We need to be praying for everything, not just when we eat, have a test, someone is deathly ill, or there is a major tragedy, but for all things. We need to believe that our God is capable. We limit God when we don't believe. We need to be expectant in prayer. God can do everything we ask for and what's even more-he can do more than that and what is even more than that is He wants to do more.

Why do we expect God to answer our prayers when we don't believe that they will be answered or we think this situation is hopeless, but we have the attitude that I'm a Christian and so I should pray-that is what we do. What do we think is going to happen as the result to this? Sometimes I think the answer to that question is nothing, but we can then say..It is in God's hands. Well it was in God's hands before you prayed.

Also if we only pray when we need something or when we are about to eat, we aren't using prayer as it was meant to be used. Why would God suddenly grant us our selfish prayer when we live without him in all other situations? If we don't know God, why would he bless us?
We need to be praying constantly and we need to come to God whole-heartedly. Not doubting or thinking that it can't really be done, but with all that we come to him with we need to have the attitude that we can do nothing without him-we are nothing without him. This is what James means when he talks about praying in belief and not in doubt. This is how Paul prayed. He got results. When Paul prayed, things happened.

This is how I want to pray. This is how we ought to pray.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So about a year ago Josh and I were looking for an e-card to send Dustin for his birthday because he was in Italy. So we came across this awesome card! Please check it out!


So I happened to bookmark it and I was just trying to clean up my bookmarked sites and I came across this once again. So naturally I played it.

Dr. Tobias (our baby kitty) came running in from the other room. He looked so confused and worried. He was looking around to see if there was another cat here and he was so scarred. He walked over towards me and looked up at my computer in confusion. All of his hair on his back was standing up. So I picked him up and played it again so he could watch...he started to paw at the computer and try to get inside...smelling it to see if they were real.

It was really funny so I thought I'd share!


Eagles and the Fly

So Thursday was my second day of school and I was so excited to go to lunch with my girl Jenn Bunny.

All was good until she left the table to go say hi to a friend while I sat alone in Eagles at the table drinking my tea. Suddenly I felt something on my tongue...disturbed by this I pulled it out of my mouth. At first glance it looked like some parsley all bunched up, but at further examination, I discovered that it was half of a dead fly. YES half of a dead fly was on my tongue and on my lip. NASTY!!! Its beady little eye looked at me and the combination of the eye, the wing, and the fact that this was just in my mouth and came from this "restaurant" grossed me out big time!

Sickened as I sat there by myself not knowing what to do...i walked up to Jenn informed her of the tragedy and disturbing news of my recent experience and proceeded to freak out.

My meal was ruined and I really never want to eat a quesadilla or drink tea at Eagles' Nest again.

It was a disgusting day!

This concerns me

Today I was served a burrito by a girl who graduated in May from my major...does this concern anyone else?

I'm so glad that there is such a need for teachers that this girl is working at the cafeteria at my school...yay for a college education

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