Friday, September 11, 2009


I've been learning so much about prayer lately.

1) That it is totally underrated.
-we think that we should pray before we eat...(dinner and not other meals?.. and not in a restaurant) and when something really bad is happening
2) We don't use it properly
-we are told to pray without ceasing...can we honestly say we are even close to doing this?
3) We don't believe in the power of prayer
-we don't expect God to do what we ask

So here's my conclusion on this mess we have decided to call our prayers. We need to be praying for everything, not just when we eat, have a test, someone is deathly ill, or there is a major tragedy, but for all things. We need to believe that our God is capable. We limit God when we don't believe. We need to be expectant in prayer. God can do everything we ask for and what's even more-he can do more than that and what is even more than that is He wants to do more.

Why do we expect God to answer our prayers when we don't believe that they will be answered or we think this situation is hopeless, but we have the attitude that I'm a Christian and so I should pray-that is what we do. What do we think is going to happen as the result to this? Sometimes I think the answer to that question is nothing, but we can then say..It is in God's hands. Well it was in God's hands before you prayed.

Also if we only pray when we need something or when we are about to eat, we aren't using prayer as it was meant to be used. Why would God suddenly grant us our selfish prayer when we live without him in all other situations? If we don't know God, why would he bless us?
We need to be praying constantly and we need to come to God whole-heartedly. Not doubting or thinking that it can't really be done, but with all that we come to him with we need to have the attitude that we can do nothing without him-we are nothing without him. This is what James means when he talks about praying in belief and not in doubt. This is how Paul prayed. He got results. When Paul prayed, things happened.

This is how I want to pray. This is how we ought to pray.



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