Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eagles and the Fly

So Thursday was my second day of school and I was so excited to go to lunch with my girl Jenn Bunny.

All was good until she left the table to go say hi to a friend while I sat alone in Eagles at the table drinking my tea. Suddenly I felt something on my tongue...disturbed by this I pulled it out of my mouth. At first glance it looked like some parsley all bunched up, but at further examination, I discovered that it was half of a dead fly. YES half of a dead fly was on my tongue and on my lip. NASTY!!! Its beady little eye looked at me and the combination of the eye, the wing, and the fact that this was just in my mouth and came from this "restaurant" grossed me out big time!

Sickened as I sat there by myself not knowing what to do...i walked up to Jenn informed her of the tragedy and disturbing news of my recent experience and proceeded to freak out.

My meal was ruined and I really never want to eat a quesadilla or drink tea at Eagles' Nest again.

It was a disgusting day!


Jamie-Jame said...

ewww! oh my gosh, thats nasty! Thank goodness it happened when you only have 2 more semesters left! siiiiick


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