Monday, January 26, 2009

A New Perspective

So it has been ages since I've blogged and to be quite honest I don't miss it.

I've loved being disconnected and living life the way we used to (before the technology overload).  It is so much simpler and its really nice not having to think throughout the day...oh I should blog on this.  I've had no phone, no computer for quite sometime and it really brought some good perspective.  I don't think I'm done, but I'm not dying to blog either.

So here's to a new year and a new mindset.  A new pace of life.  I'm done being super busy 24/7.  I'm done with letting everyone know details about my life when they haven't even spoken to me.  I'm done worrying about every little detail.  By not being connected digitally, I can better be connected to people: face to face or even over the phone.  The easy to hide behind computer screen is not the way I want to have relationships.  

God made us to be relational beings and if we can't do that without a computer, I think that is extremely sad.

But like I said I'm not done, I'm just no longer letting it be on my radar constantly.

Friday, January 9, 2009

just 1

I am getting married in a day!

ahh!  I'm soo very excited!

the end

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