Friday, October 31, 2008

breaking up

it is hard to do!  i've never been good at breaking up with people or calling things off.

this is something that i've had to work on ever since josh and i got engaged.  it is a weird dynamic, the relationships which are created between the vendors you meet with as you plan your wedding.  the process which you must undergo to learn their experience and most importantly find out how outrageously expensive they are (and see if they are less of outrage than the others).  during this process it is totally like a dating relationship.  they call you to check up on you, see you have any questions, or concerns.  they want to know how the search is going (if you there is someone else).  but all along you can't tell them that you are "seeing other people"/vendors.  it is a really awkward situation, because all along they know there is someone else, but they are hoping that they are the better of the two (or several).  

as this process starts it is easy to eliminate vendors.  after some first meetings you know that it is not for you and you immediately can call them up and say thanks for your time, but you don't fit our style/personality/vision/price range and although it is still uncomfortable to do, you do it with ease.  

as the process goes on it becomes more and more difficult.  you narrow down your search to a few.  and you become a player, leading on several vendors at a time.  then eventually you have to make the decision.  this is no longer an easy decision to make.  all of the vendors have something you like, that is why your courtship has lasted as long as it has, but who do you like the most.  who are you comfortable entrusting that one aspect of your wedding to?  one of them may totally fail and this is something that every vendor tells you on one of your dates, they share of their competitors who have failed, who have the horror stories, but they won't tell you who they are.  so then you start to wonder are they talking about one of the other vendors i'm dealing with or are they talking about themselves.  scary!

eventually you make the decision (which for me is a total struggle, because there are so many different things i like about them all and then i just have to commit and this is a struggle for me because i need to know everyone else's opinion: i.e. my mom and josh's.  and then if they give me their opinion and it wasn't what i was leaning towards my mind starts to freak out and start to re-think it all. it is very nerve racking).  

then comes the infamous breakup!  you have to call every vendor and break it to them gently.  explain that there is someone else out there who is just better.  then they try to hold on offering something or telling of how excited they were to do your wedding and how they had so many ideas.  and then it is easy to question yourself and you have a few seconds to figure it out and the pressure is more than you can bare.  but you overcome and stand strong behind the decision you've already made.

once you hang up that phone it is OVER!  no more thinking about past relationships.  once the decision has been made there is no more cheating.  no thinking about what if i'd gone with... because then trouble will come.  

Today i ended the last wedding relationship i'll ever end!!!

it is over!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


i wish people understood or at least cared to ask and actually listen.

Side Sitters

so josh and i totally have this pet peeve about side sitters.  you know what i'm talking about.  when you go out to eat and there is always that couple who sits on the same side of the table.  it is just soo very awkward.  they are just sitting side by side and have to turn their necks completely to even be able to look at each other.  

today i was at the caf and saw some side sitters and it just reminded me of last year.  for like two weeks straight last semester every time josh and i would go to lunch or dinner together at the caf there was this one side sitting couple who would sit by us.  it became totally uncomfortable because every time they would be facing us and it felt like we were their evening's entertainment because they both were facing us and there was nothing in between us.  soo uncomfortable.  

Anywhoo,  that is how josh and i truly came to feel awkward for the side sitting couples who don't realize how awkward they are.  

(if you happen to be a side sitter, i apologize for the bashing, but maybe try sitting across from each other.  i'm sure that if you do your neck won't hurt after dinner and you can focus on your significant other.  plus you will make it much more comfortable for those around you also trying to enjoy their meal)

Monday, October 27, 2008

world religions

so i'm in this world religions class and i'm not really too into it.   it is interesting to learn about other religions, but the way this class is taught is not particularly interesting.  so unless it is taught in an interesting way, i am not a fan.
i love jesus. 

fortunately tonight we got out two hours early!  hip hip hooray!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I kicked my professor

So today we had the Torrey Conference and we were sitting in the bleachers for an hour and forty-five minutes.  By this time my butt was completely numb and I was wayyy uncomfortable. I kept shifting around trying to uncomfortable.  I moved several times and tried several positions to protect my aching bottom.   My professor from the class I dropped earlier this semester was sitting in front of me.  Unfortunately at one point I had my knees up and I was holding them to my chest with my arms when suddenly one of them slipped.  My leg swung out and without any control, I kicked my professor.

opps?  it really was an accident 

Sunday, October 19, 2008


so i was just looking at the iTunes store and saw that Britney Spears has a new video.  being curious i decided to watch the preview.

it is sooo very ironic!  She is singing about this guy who is a womanizer and yet she is naked dancing in this steam room.  She thinks she is just being sexy, but she is making herself an object which makes it possible for men to be "womanizers" and further more she is encouraging them to be.  


good one brit!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i always find it interesting to see how people respond when you share with them the troubles you are currently facing.  The majority of people's responses are something along the lines of "everything will be okay or work out."  And while sometimes that is comforting, more often than not that drives me crazy.  I don't want to hear its all going to work out and everything will be okay.  Because in the midst of that confession their is pain and suffering.  I don't want to be fixed, I don't want to hear its going to be okay, because if I thought it would be I wouldn't be sharing.  

i love it when someone just sits with me in my pain.  i love it when people say "that is difficult."  without trying to fix me or comfort me, these responses bring comfort.

Monday, October 13, 2008

so much dharma

today in my world religions class we talked about Buddhism.

    suffering and desire...

   much dharma!


Today i googled Jamie Vandewarker!
  I was trying to find her blog, but no luck.

she is all over the place for water polo!  yaa girl--you rock, rock!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fro to the yo!

So to be quite honest there was a time when I had a problem.  I was addicted.  I probably spent more money on my addiction than was necessary.

I helped Golden Spoon get its start.

I was addicted to fro yo-addicted.

Eventually Josh pointed out that it was a problem.  I was totally in denial, but eventually I came around.  Slowly, but surely I let my fro yo slip away.  My daily visits lessened to every couple days, to once a week, to twice a month, to once a month, to never craving it.  I was no longer addicted.  

It probably never would have happened if my favorite flavor was year-round.  BOYSENBERRY!!!  it is heavenly!  and ....
     .... is BACK!

For this month and this month only, forget yogurtland, cherry on top, whatever other fro yo places there are and visit my favorite G-SPOON to get some FRO YO BOYSENBERRY style!!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

prayers please!

my aunt cindy is back in the hospital.

prayers please!


materialism makes me sad.  where we live all anyone cares about is stuff.

i am sick of all of the girls being obsessed with models and their disgustingly skinny bodies. all of the designer name brands. and being so concerned with appearance and stuff.

no wonder no one knows who they are.

no wonder we are insecure.

no wonder we don't know who God is.

no wonder we don't know who we are in Christ.

no wonder we lose our identities. 

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