Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i always find it interesting to see how people respond when you share with them the troubles you are currently facing.  The majority of people's responses are something along the lines of "everything will be okay or work out."  And while sometimes that is comforting, more often than not that drives me crazy.  I don't want to hear its all going to work out and everything will be okay.  Because in the midst of that confession their is pain and suffering.  I don't want to be fixed, I don't want to hear its going to be okay, because if I thought it would be I wouldn't be sharing.  

i love it when someone just sits with me in my pain.  i love it when people say "that is difficult."  without trying to fix me or comfort me, these responses bring comfort.


Adrienne said...

Ouch. I want to fix problems! But maybe just shutting up and sitting with someone IN the problem will help them more. Help them hear how God is working in them, calling them close. Thanks.

oomerfoo said...

me too.


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