Thursday, October 30, 2008

Side Sitters

so josh and i totally have this pet peeve about side sitters.  you know what i'm talking about.  when you go out to eat and there is always that couple who sits on the same side of the table.  it is just soo very awkward.  they are just sitting side by side and have to turn their necks completely to even be able to look at each other.  

today i was at the caf and saw some side sitters and it just reminded me of last year.  for like two weeks straight last semester every time josh and i would go to lunch or dinner together at the caf there was this one side sitting couple who would sit by us.  it became totally uncomfortable because every time they would be facing us and it felt like we were their evening's entertainment because they both were facing us and there was nothing in between us.  soo uncomfortable.  

Anywhoo,  that is how josh and i truly came to feel awkward for the side sitting couples who don't realize how awkward they are.  

(if you happen to be a side sitter, i apologize for the bashing, but maybe try sitting across from each other.  i'm sure that if you do your neck won't hurt after dinner and you can focus on your significant other.  plus you will make it much more comfortable for those around you also trying to enjoy their meal)


josh said...

was it the same couple?
i don't like them.

and, Kaitlin, DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR BASHING SIDE SITTERS!!!! someone needs to tell them...

Adrienne said...

I have a different perspective.
When you are part of an old married couple, you like side-sitting. You want to make conversation with people you DON'T hang around with every day, but you still like hip-bumping your spouse.
So just wait until you are old and married...

josh said...


Kaitlin said...

adri i'm talking about people who are sitting side by side without anyone else at the table

do you feel me? or are you still for the side sitting thing?


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