Sunday, November 30, 2008

the new and improved way to date!

So fun!  A week ago Josh and I had things to do on our own so we went our separate ways.  We both ended up on the computer and we were both totally distracted.  I kept facebooking (which I never really do) and Josh was on so we started chatting in that chat thing/aim thingy.  This continued for awhile as we continued to "get things done" while periodically chatting.  Yet suddenly Josh remembered iChat.  So that's what we did!  It was so much fun.  We had a good time with it and I have a few proofs from the evening I thought I'd share!

This is Josh showing me the mirror...i.e. thats why there are two of me

This is Josh's CD cover for his upcoming album

we definitely had fun changing our effects

So next time you want a free date, thank Mac for iChat!



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