Saturday, March 7, 2009


sometimes i just feel ugly.

i tend to not buy into the whole image deal shmeal.  but still at times it gets to me.

whenever i go to school and i don't do my hair or make up (which is 99.9% of the time) i look at the other girls who did their hair and their make up and wear cute clothes and it makes me feel like crap.  why do they have to care so much and why don't i?  
i struggle with this from time to time and it makes me mad.  

i'm a pretty self confident girl--why do i let satan get to me and make me feel bad.  so what if i don't look good.  why are we all trying to sell our looks?  why do we buy into the magazine's lies?

so here's the deal...i may feel bad, but i got me a hubby how loves me AND the way i look

AND i got an extra hour of sleep!



yazz said...

Girl, I totally understand. Satan gets me here. A lot. It's so frustrating to know that I do care. And that it kind of rubs my ego to dress a certain way. I started realizing this was a problem about 8 months ago, when I would get excited after hearing someone say I looked cute. THAT IS SO DISGUSTING!! But, I know this is so typical, and I know that you know that I'm not saying this to validate you, but you are a woman that Loves the Lord and that is more radiant than any beauty I have ever known. Plus you are beautifully handmade and bring glory to the Lord when you not only know that, but believe it! Yay! I'm more writing that to me than you. Ha!

But I love you and Josh a lot and I'm sorry I haven't made more time for you two in my life!! We have to get to gether soon!

Elise said...

Happens to the best of us.. Also happens a lot at Biola.. It's the ratio.. Girls feel the need to look hotter in order to compete with all the other girls for the very few guys (even more so for the even fewer quality guys).. But you've got quite the catch.. And you're absolutely gorgeous. And sweet. And genuine. And smart. And I love you. I'm very glad I ran into you all today! :D


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