Thursday, July 17, 2008

my God has done mighty things for me!!!

so for the past few days i've had this song stuck in my head!  normally having a song stuck in my head would drive me nuts, but this song has really been good for me.  

i don't know if i actually know the words, because it is a new one for me.  it goes something like...

"i'm going to stand and praise my God
my God has done mighty things for me!"

and having these words stuck in my head this past week (so i guess it isn't the whole song stuck in my head because i don't know all of the words..) has really been a great reminder for me.  i've just been able to reflect on the truth of these words and i've realized that i typically live life without being daily reminded that God has done mighty things for me and that i must be praising him.  

so i'm trying to live a life with the knowledge of who God is and with the recognition of what he has done for me, so that i can then go out into the world praising him and sharing him with all whom i encounter through the joy that he has given me!


Carrie Allen said...

woo hoo!
And I will pray that you feel better!


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