Monday, May 5, 2008

on my mind *a million and half things to do this week alone, let alone the projects that are due next week and then finals

...RA (finishing well and making sure to connect with all of the girls before everything gets mad with finals)

...the wedding: *a million people to call and meet with  *money and dealing with decisions and trying to be wise in it all

...Josh and the job hunt and church: *letting God lead us

...taking care of my relationships: *finishing out the year well with my girls and making sure that this summer and next semester doesn't change things  *Josh and I, finding time to spend together besides meals, meeting each other's needs and finding time to nourish our relationship and God: *where am I at?  *why is it that everyday i feel like my relationship with God is different and changing?  *why am I dealing with all of this now?  *how am I growing from all of this?

there is so much on my mind and i need God's peace!!!!!!!

i long for peace



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