Friday, August 21, 2009

in the summertime...

School is starting back up in four short days, so here is my awesome summer recap:

-I started a kindergarten readiness program at the gym-writing curriculum and teaching the class and I loved it
-Josh and I dog sat several times to make some extra money
-I had my 21st birthday and had a great time celebrating for weeks (literally weeks)
-Josh and I went to Chicago with my family (where the birthday celebration continued)
-We then had VBS where I taught the 4 and 5 year olds
-We got our baby kitten Dr. Tobias Funke 
-I went to Lake Tahoe with Reenie and Oran to spend some good time with Nana and Papa
-Then less than 12 hours after I got home from Tahoe, we left for Centrifuge
-Camp was so much fun and God did SO many amazing things.  It was a great week and I really grew to love our group even more
-I finished up working at the gym which ended 3 and 1/2 years of a great job
-Josh and I went to the Anderson's beach house for the weekend and had a great time at the beach
-We dog sat for our girl Roxy (muffin!)
-I started up my new business with Cookie Lee

It has been an incredible summer and went by SO very quickly!  I'm getting ready for my last year of college and I just hope it goes by as quickly as this summer did!



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