Saturday, July 11, 2009

I feel so productive!

Yesterday I cleaned my house, did all of the laundry, bought cleaning supplies, bought a planner, unpacked for both Josh and me, celebrated being married for 6 months with my wonderful husband.

Today I finished the rest of the laundry (there was a lot!), had breakfast, bought some tea to make sun tea, worked out P90X style, went swimming, went to the bank, went grocery shopping and bought a ton of healthy food, reorganized the fridge, freezer, and pantry, had a protein shake, walked to the lake, around it and back, worked on my lesson plan, had dinner, cleaned up, and its only 9:00pm.

Vacation was a good.  I'm now ready to do life (every mundane part of it)


KG said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!

josh said...

awesome play by play

love you.

you rocked the house cleaning, babe!


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