Sunday, March 14, 2010


Lots to do, so little time and energy.

I just want to be with the man I love!

Friday, December 4, 2009

too far facebook...way too far

WOW! Really? REALLY?!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

another ad from fb

If we wouldn't trust "this guy," why would would we trust you?

Also another enticing offer...surround yourself with thugs, thieves, crooks, and bad guys...let me think...PERF!

Friday, November 27, 2009

The semester is coming to an end! Which is so exciting, but it is such a busy time. With all of the semester's work due and Christmas quickly approaching, there is so much to be done. yet I am feeling so lazy and tired. I just want to rest, be with my husband, go on a long walk, and forget about the rest of the world!

Soon enough...just 3 more weeks!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

another wonderful ad from facebook

HA! show how fabulous you are?

ooo i can play a game...i'm so fab!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

mark's wisdom

From Mark Dodd's blog...AWESOME!

"This is the way we ought to deal with sin. We should hate it. We should not tolerate it because it is death, and we don’t want death in the lives of our friends. We must call people out of it because of our compassion for them, and our fervent hate for sin.

It is my prayer that we would rebuke and disown the work of Satan, which is death, and call one another into the true life by the faith and authority given to us by the grace of God."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

why am i doing this?

i'm so frustrated with myself right now.

why do i care so much about things that distract me from focusing on my priorities.

i've put off my homework until the last minute and i'm feeling the heaviness of that right now...and it is making me not want to do anything....


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